AWS Lambda is a cost-effective way to execute functions for high performance, low latency, and pay-as-you-go pricing model. AWS services that generate events can be used as an event source for Lambda functions. Combining Lambda with these services offers continuous scaling and built-in fault tolerance.
In this article, we will set up an AWS Lambda function to process messages from Amazon SQS.
Lambda uses five parallel long-polling connections to request batches. When messages are available in the queue, Lambda invokes the function. The function will remove messages from the queue when batch is completed successfully. If there are more messages available, Lambda increases the number of processes that are reading batches. This automatic scaling behavior allows Lambda to scale up and process a higher number of messages.
One key point about this polling mechanism is, if there are no messages available in the queue, it can lead the
metric to raise. If you have a low frequency of messages, it is worth monitoring the situation.
Thanks to AWS SAM, there is an easy way to create a sample Lambda function that uses an SQS queue as an event source.
With the help of SAM, it is also possible to create SQS queue from template.yml
$ sam init --runtime nodejs14.x --app-template quick-start-sqs --name sqs-lambda-app
By default, Amazon SQS creates a standard queue. You can specify additional parameters inside SimpleQueue
resource in the template.yml
file. In this example, we set queue name as lambda-test
. Also, don’t forget to set FunctionName
since we will use it later to check logs.
# This is the SAM template that represents the architecture of your serverless application
# The AWSTemplateFormatVersion identifies the capabilities of the template
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
# Transform section specifies one or more macros that AWS CloudFormation uses to process your template
- AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
# Resources declares the AWS resources that you want to include in the stack
# This is an SQS queue with all default configuration properties. To learn more about the available options, see
Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
QueueName: "lambda-test"
# This is the Lambda function definition associated with the source code: sqs-payload-logger.js. For all available properties, see
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: SQSPayloadLogger
Description: A Lambda function that logs the payload of messages sent to an associated SQS queue.
Runtime: nodejs14.x
Handler: src/handlers/sqs-payload-logger.sqsPayloadLoggerHandler
# This property associates this Lambda function with the SQS queue defined above, so that whenever the queue
# receives a message, the Lambda function is invoked
Type: SQS
Queue: !GetAtt SimpleQueue.Arn
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 25 # Chosen to be less than the default SQS Visibility Timeout of 30 seconds
- AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Now, it is time to build and deploy our sample application:
$ sam build
# Use --guided option to deploy for the first time
$ sam deploy --guided
Let’s send a message to lambda-test
queue that we just created with the AWS SAM template.
$ aws sqs send-message --queue-url "" --message-body "hello from sqs-lambda trigger"
Let’s check our Lambda function log with sam logs
command, Lambda function should process the message we just sent:
$ sam logs -n SQSPayloadLogger
2021/08/29/[$LATEST]0d137fd7aea444e782793cc43893ea31 2021-08-29T21:47:56.017000 START RequestId: 32163cb2-4d34-55b0-ad82-65144ff0daf0 Version: $LATEST
2021/08/29/[$LATEST]0d137fd7aea444e782793cc43893ea31 2021-08-29T21:47:56.088000 2021-08-29T21:47:56.068Z 32163cb2-4d34-55b0-ad82-65144ff0daf0 INFO {"Records":[{"messageId":"7ab6789b-dd18-4b11-9121-077b8f938be0","receiptHandle":"AQEBgY5rDArrDbIrjWcG/n2K55v8auRkgSJGfH/enkuJjLytKrRsWeJXwDvqB3kRyK8Ay9RgVAPwxxgZKJ8vqzgxiCSs2au4GXR9gam40B3l4OVBLwUlbgmNbtMoFuOpnISzJMkC1JyQyo4Q/UKo6dUO2ihoeG/MDnG6oTjmZi/JSNfflru+KCcvlodz67U2fAh7FRGXje6nBGX8SeLvO2MUNwfEoQUpEn6oC4/VSbsQESF9lQi4VNTAWsnoV354La32rmn1m4TRDhDqCszEI/W22eFBRVMuH/WVoU9dQnCe+oclA3MysxL7tGhb/xkHR/ZlYjO7jXH+o9ieSqO/bWYyofUYJMvFZjNitVtqbagL0hHsxfyM38g44gTK1PaWBgo3","body":"hello from sqs-lambda trigger","attributes":{"ApproximateReceiveCount":"1","SentTimestamp":"1630273675920","SenderId":"sender_id","ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp":"1630273675966"},"messageAttributes":{},"md5OfBody":"09e622e9192285e41f52bfa16f4706a9","eventSource":"aws:sqs","eventSourceARN":"arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:xxxxxx:lambda-test","awsRegion":"eu-west-1"}]}
2021/08/29/[$LATEST]0d137fd7aea444e782793cc43893ea31 2021-08-29T21:47:56.089000 END RequestId: 32163cb2-4d34-55b0-ad82-65144ff0daf0
2021/08/29/[$LATEST]0d137fd7aea444e782793cc43893ea31 2021-08-29T21:47:56.089000 REPORT RequestId: 32163cb2-4d34-55b0-ad82-65144ff0daf0 Duration: 69.31 ms Billed Duration: 70 ms Memory Size: 128 MBMax Memory Used: 66 MB
That is it! Now, we are ready to take the advantage of AWS Lambda. You can start from here and develop your functions with the power of event-driven systems.
An AWS Certified Developer Associate, Burak is an experienced software engineer. With his experience in various industries including global technology companies, he follows his passion for going beyond the limits to build excellent products with collaboration and knowledge sharing.
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